Client configuration 본문


Client configuration

halatha 2011. 12. 3. 02:06

1. unset current HADOOP_CONF_DIR if set

$ sudo mv [conf dir path] /etc/hadoop-0.20/

$ sudo update-alternatives --install /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf hadoop-0.20-conf /etc/hadoop-0.20/[conf dir name] [priority]

4. (Not sure) restart your machine (Testing on my machine with reboot, it is applied while on server without reboot, it isn't)

5. To query Hadoop configuration alternatives
$ sudo update-alternatives --display hadoop-0.20-conf 

6. When running a test from eclipse, add the "-conf <path to conf dir>" option.
7. Run an example (hadoop must be installed locally)
    @$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop/hadoop-*-examples.jar pi 10 100000000@
    Follow the progress of the example on the console, on the cluster's "MapReduce administration page":http://[namenode]:50030/ or using the Job Browser provided by "Hue":http://[namenode]:8088/