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목록Programming/Agile (11)
01 세상 일은 왜 그렇게 단순하지 않을까? 애자일 소프트웨어 개발 Agile software development 이 소프트웨어를 개발하는 가장 좋은 방법... 애자일 소프트웨어 개발을 적용하는 데 가장 큰 장애물은 낡은 관리 방식... 기본이 탄탄해야 하기 때문에 우선 사람과 시스템에 대해 배울 필요... 시스템에 대한 사람들의 사고방식도 배워야 시스템을 대상으로는 할 때는 그 어떤 계획도 그대로 실현되지 않는다... 이론이 현실에서 그대로 실현되는 경우는 거의 없으며, 예측성의 곁에는 복잡성이... 달라붙어 있다. 근본 원인 분석은 중요하다. 그러나 근본 원인 분석으로 볼 수 있는 것은 과거뿐... 앞으로 무슨 일이 잘못될지 예측하는 데는 도움이 되지못할 것 W. 에드워즈 데밍 W. Edwards ..
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/team-problems-2/ Team Problems – Comic Agilé #11 – Team Problems Authors’ comments: Don’t use the fact that your team is probably currently dispersed, like the most of the world is, as an excuse for lackluster team work. In these times where nobody can meet physically, it’s more important tha www.comicagile.net Authors’ comments: 대부분 그렇듯 팀이 흩어져 있다는 사실을 부진한 팀웍에 대한..
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/homeschooling/ Homeschooling – Comic Agilé #9 – Homeschooling Authors’ comments: How awesome would it be if the mindset behind topics like agile, failing fast, Lean startup and the PDCA cycle, the concepts on which modern development is/should be built upon, were actually part of what kids lear www.comicagile.net
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/the-sprint-backlog/ Manager vs. Sprint Backlog – Comic Agilé #8 – Manager vs. Sprint Backlog Authors’ comments: The Scrum guide states that “the Sprint Backlog is the set of Product Backlog items selected for the Sprint, plus a plan for delivering the product Increment and realizing the Sprint Goal”. We also www.comicagile.net
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/social-distancing/ Social Distancing – Comic Agilé #7 – Social Distancing Authors’ comment: We must all do what we can to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading by practicing Social Distancing, working from home and supporting those who risks their lives on protecting the most vulnerable in our society. www.comicagile.net the curve에 대한 Mikkel의 comment The 'Curve' w..
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/lets-call-it-kanban/ Let’s call it – Comic Agilé #6 – Let’s call it… Kanban is a potentially powerful approach to managing flow of value, reducing lead times and identifying areas of improvement, so let’s stop using it as an excuse for running Scrum half-assedly. And don’t even think about call www.comicagile.net
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/the-why-of-going-agile/ The ‘Why’ of going agile – Comic Agilé #5 – The ‘Why’ of Going Agile ‘Going agile’ will most likely increase the value-add of your organization, happiness of employees and engagement of customers, but it will not make you better at meeting the Iron Triangle. Therefore, if your company www.comicagile.net
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/burned-down/ Burning Down – Comic Agilé www.comicagile.net
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/skateboards/ Skateboards – Comic Agilé #3 – Skateboards Authors’ comments: A well-known metaphor for creating Minimum Viable Products is the skateboard that evolves into a scooter, bike and, finally, a car. The idea is that, when the customer asks for a car, we should ask him ‘why’. The www.comicagile.net Authors’ comments MVP를 만드는 데 잘 알려진 은유는 스케이트보드가 발전해 스쿠터, 바이..
https://www.comicagile.net/comic/distributed-hoarding/ Distributed Hoarding – Comic Agilé #2 – Distributed Hoarding Authors’ comments: Unfortunately, this is a potentially realistic scenario these days, especially if you work with Scrum teams here in Denmark where the government has “shut down” the country (i.e., schools, companies and www.comicagile.net